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The State of California was officially admitted to the so-called “more perfect” Union of government territory created by “this Constitution” on September 9, 1850.   The first “perpetual union” and “firm league of friendship” formed by the ratification by the first thirteen states of the Articles of Confederation is, of course, still operating.   California was admitted to the Confederacy known as, the United States of America, when its two Senators were accepted by the rest of the Senate of the United States.

The thirteen states that declared their independence on July 4, 1776 were not immediately accepted as nation states by the established countries of the world.  The states of the United States had to be recognized by another free and independent state under the Law of Nations, before they could call themselves nation states. 

Benjamin Franklin first became commissioner to France then Minister Plenipotentiary.  He would become one of the ministers who would sign the Treaty of Paris.  Franklin is largely responsible for the myth that “this Constitution” created a republic that credit should go to George Washington.

On March 1, 1781 Maryland completed the Confederacy of the United States of America by ratifying the Articles of Confederation.  Article I of the Treaty with Great Britain of 1783 acknowledged the thirteen states as “free, sovereign and independent States.”

New Hampshire became the ninth State to ratify “this Constitution” on June 21, 1788 according to Article VII.  Note that Article VII of “this Constitution” states that nine States “shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.”  “Establishment is, thus, fundamentally different from “Adoption.” 

Although the People of the United States have Established this Constitution and the ratification of nine States shall be sufficient for the Establishment, 221 years after ratification and Establishment “this Constitution” is yet to be adopted by any branch of the United States Government.  The Constitution is “the Constitution” found in the oath of Office of President of the United States. 

California is one of the 37 states that became part of the United States of America, which is the Confederacy under the Articles of Confederation, after May 29, 1790, the date Rhode Island became the thirteenth state to ratify “this Constitution.”  The urban legend that the Articles of Confederation were repealed by “this Constitution” is completely baseless, because “this Constitution” was to be established when only nine States ratified.  The Articles require a unanimous vote of all thirteen states. 

The original thirteen states organized into the United States of America, when Maryland became the final state to ratify the Articles of Confederation, contained no territory owned by the United States of America.  The ratification of “this Constitution” by nine States permitted a Congress to purchase land, pursuant to a provision in “this Constitution.” 

The District of Columbia, Places purchased by Congress in the original thirteen states and all the new territory in America owned by the United States of America would become the United States.  The President of the United States is dictator of this government land and he administers it as if were under military occupation.

Proponents of gay marriage in California are relying on the State Constitution and the State Supreme Court.  Even if the Constitution for the State of California guaranteed everyone in the State of California the right to marry the partner of his or her choice that right would have to be limited to the State of California, which has to be government territory.  The United States Code of the United States Government defines marriage as between a man and woman, so it will not permit the Supreme Court of the State of California to make law for its territory.

The Constitution of the State of California should have the last word and here it is:  “Article 3 State of California.  Section 1. The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.”

Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera

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